Manual validation of invoices vs. PO and delivery note

Repetitive account assignment for each item

Outdated ERP master data
Auto-detection of validation deviations on item level
AI-based account assignment
Master data clean up on-the-go
PO-related Invoices
Issues traditional solutions can't solve:

Multiple POs on a single invoice (or vice versa)
Missing delivery notes for validation
Correcting invoices with incorrect prices
Differing article codes vs. PO
Converting units of measure between PO and invoice
Handling price variance tolerances (by supplier/material)
Applying different tax rates to specific line items
Splitting accounting for multi-line items by project
Processing (un)planned add. cost
Issues traditional solutions can't solve:

Managing early payment discounts
Handling invoices with multiple tax rates
Navigating country-specific tax regulations
Recording accurate service render dates
Managing invoices in multiple currencies & FX rates
Identifying cost centers in unstructured text
Mapping project numbers or internal references
Resolving invalid or incorrectly formatted IBANs
Verifying (multiple) IBANs against vendor records
Updating & maintaining bank details in ERP systems
We were skeptical at first that BLP's tool was significantly faster to implement than others. Kudos for making it possible!

Mario Luef
Head of Business Processes, Semperit
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